Surah yasin arabic text
Surah yasin arabic text

The fear of the Hereafter makes one ready for good deeds and this is what stops one from indulging in desires that are impermissible and things that are unlawful. Then, out of the principles of faith, there is the belief in the Hereafter, something on which depends the soundness of human deeds. Imam al-Ghazzali said that one reason for calling Surah Ya Sin the heart of the Qur'an could be that, in this Surah, themes relating to the Day of Judgment and the Resurrection have appeared with particular details and eloquent presentation. Sayyidna Ma'qil Ibn Yasar ؓ narrates that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: یٰسٓ قَلبُ القُرآن (Surah Ya Sin is the heart of the Qur'an) and some words of this Hadith tell us that a person who recites Surah Ya Sin exclusively for the sake of Allah and the 'Akhirah is forgiven, and that it should be recited over the dead among us (reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud and an-Nas'i and Ibn Hibban and al-Hakim and others - as in Ruh-ul-Ma’ ani and al-Mazhari). " Yasin is also one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, as reported in a saying of Ali, "I heard the Messenger of God say, 'Verily God has named me by seven names in the Quran: Muhammad, Ahmad, Tā Hā, Yā Sīn, thou enwrapped, thou who art covered, and servant of God. The name of the chapter comes from the two letters of the first verse of the chapter, which has caused much scholarly debate, and which Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni exegesis (tafsir), interprets by saying, "God knows best what He means by these. It has 83 verses (ayahs) and is one of the Meccan surahs, although some scholars maintain that verse 12 is from the Medinan period. Sūrah Yā-Sīn (also Yaseen Arabic: سورة يس‎) is the 36th chapter (surah) of the Quran. "The Best Amongst you is The One who Learn The Quran and Teaches It". Surah Yasin (Yaseen) | By Sheikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sudais | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 36سورۃ یس

Surah yasin arabic text